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Writer's pictureGreta Elizabeth

A Transhumanist, Jesus Christ - my Savior, and Quantum Retrocausality walking into a bar…

Updated: Jul 12

Eternity is a Mood

The sun had just gone down, and I was sitting on the roof of our family’s van, parked on a dirt road in a poverty-stricken neighborhood in Tijuana, Mexico.  My parents were hosting a traveling Christian preacher, and I watched him preach in the middle of the street, surrounded by a big crowd of people. 

I was about four years old, so sitting on the van's roof gave me a clear view of the preacher. That was the first time I heard about the promise of everlasting life and experienced supernatural love. He spoke about Jesus Christ and how he sacrificed his life “so that whosoever believes shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Then he invited anyone who wanted to accept Jesus in their heart, be forgiven for their sins, and have everlasting life to come closer to the stage and repeat a prayer with him. 

I don’t remember much from childhood, but I can clearly remember how I felt that night. I wholeheartedly accepted that love. I remember cautiously climbing down from the van and weaving through the crowd, feeling tiny amongst the sea of adult-sized humans. He started praying before I reached the stage, so I stopped somewhere in the middle of the crowd.  

I remember reaching my hands up to the sky, overwhelmed by grace, tears trickling down my face, and a gentle supernatural wave of peace covering my body, starting at my feet and ending at my fingertips. I will never forget my first encounter with supernatural love. Somebody forever changed my life that night, but it was clear that it took two: Jesus, who made the promise, and I, who chose to accept it. 

I accepted grace, forgiveness, and the promise of everlasting life. 

The historical record of Jesus and his resurrection was how I came to believe in miracles, but only after doing some due diligence with a sincere desire to separate fact from fiction and truth from tale. 

Thank God for Lee Strobel and his bold investigative journalism, which resulted in The Case for Christ. This book gave me sufficient evidence to understand that Jesus is accurate and that he did overcome death. I remember the day I got to listen to Strobel speak at Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, California. That was the night that I was able to make peace with the doubt in my mind about Jesus’ existence and accept the fact that he overcame death.  

There are countless other accounts of humans who have been declared dead and then come back to life with no scientific explanation. 

I learned to live with a constant thirst for a deeper understanding of science and spirituality and how they are connected. 

With all this controversy about evolution and carbon dating and the speculated time it took for creation to come into reality being so debatable, it was only natural to keep digging for more information.  

Jesus said that we must be “born again”. (John 3:3)

And then I began to understand how my body was constantly being ‘born again’ as it was ‘regenerating’ when I came across this poem:

“It’s said it takes seven years

to grow completely new skin cells.

To think, this year, I will grow

into a body, you never will

have touched.”

  • Brett Elizabeth Jenkins, December 21st, 2009. 

I don’t recall the exact order of discovery, but while surfing the internet and digging for answers, though I am not exactly sure what the questions were, I stumbled upon:


This list is a sufficient stack of reasons to bring Heaven on Earth Media into reality.

Then TikTok banned my hashtag for Regenerative Medicine

“And the truth shall set you free!” Jim Carrey’s voice continuously echoes as I move through my days. 

Hundreds of humans are slowing their aging in the  Rejuvenation Olympics.

Somebody is going to showcase Superhuman abilities at the Enhanced Games in 2025.

There’s a part of human DNA has been classified as junk, and I am not sure about a lot of things, but I am pretty sure that God doesn’t create junk. 

Now that we are about to automate everything possible with artificial intelligence and begin to activate sleeping DNA, what’s next for humanity?  

Aging is about to be optional. 

We are getting ready to populate other planets.

Blockchain technology is upgrading our financial system. 

People around the world are actively regrowing teeth, genetically modifying babies in the womb, and cloning baby animals. 

Cady Heron clearly stated: “The Limit Does Not Exist.” Thank goodness for Mean Girls. 

There are two themes that aren’t going out of style anytime soon: Peace & Love - and they are asking to be given center stage because of Quantum Retrocausality.

It’s time to get creative!

Forever Is a Mood. 

Heaven on Earth Media's Mission: To offer a balanced perspective on humanity’s future as we work to end aging, exploring scientific innovation and timeless spiritual wisdom. 

Heaven on Earth Media's Vision: To elevate humanity into everlasting vitality by sharing interesting information that amplifies the world’s potential with a message of peace & love for all.  

Our vision aligns with Kanye’s evergreen prayer:

"Dear Future.

I still believe in you. we still believe in you.

Even in our darkest moments,

We believe.

We believe in a world at peace.

We believe in our people.

We believe in our tamilies.

We will see families anchoring on faith

Our future holds a better America.

In our future, we will H.E.A.L.

Hold Everyone Accountable to Love.

Our future will provide expecting families with a safe and secure plan that values every stage of life.

Our future will provide a justice system that treats everyone equally regardless of their socioeconomic status. Our future will provide an education system that promotes freedom and visionary thinking. Our happy, healthy future looks like the new Garden of Eden with children running and the elderly brimming with joy on how beautiful our world has become.

Our future has homes for everyone.

Our future has food for evervone.

Our future has love.

Our future is free from debt, shame, guilt, worry, stress, war, greed, hate, misuse of power, prejudices.

mampulation, and discrimination

Jesus loves everyone.

When I close my eyes, I see our God providing us with a bright future. I feel like a kid the night before

Christmas when think about our ruture.

Dear Future,

I still believe in you.

I know the world is going to get better, but you need

us as a people to heal. You need us to hold evervone

accountable to love.

God is love.

Let's lead with love. Our future is waiting on us.

God is Love, and Love Conquers All."

Like Kanye said, "Let's lead with love. Our future is waiting on us!"

I'm feeling bullish on space travel. What about you? If you feel led to, you can send me an email at

With Love,

Greta Elizabeth

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